Create a wildflower meadow
Choose wildflower meadows made up of native plant species.
Recently, ready-made wildflower seed mixes have become very popular. Such mixes are often used in cities, on private properties, and by people who want to make their land or garden more biodiverse. Unfortunately, many of these mixes contain seeds of plants that are foreign to our region and are not adapted to local climatic and soil conditions. Some of these plants, despite their attractive appearance, can pose a threat to the native ecosystem. They can dominate the local flora and become invasive, displacing native species and negatively affecting biodiversity.

The Swedish Botanical Society is urging that packages of wildflower seeds be labeled with information about their origin to prevent accidental spread of alien species in the wild.
The spread of invasive species on local meadows creates difficulties for local pollinators, such as wild bees and bumblebees, which have adapted to gathering food from native plant species. In some cases, the wrong choice of plants may prevent pollinators from accessing food sources, leading to a serious disruption of the balance in the local ecosystem. Instead of enriching biodiversity, it may lead to its destabilization.
What kind of seeds for a wildflower meadow?
Ecologists recommend that we pay more attention to our environment and try to introduce plants into our gardens that are native to our surroundings. The environment in which we live can teach us a lot about which plants and flowers are best adapted to our climatic conditions. The best way to preserve native biodiversity is to leave the grass uncut for a while. This allows for the restoration of native flora and the appearance of wildflowers in our gardens.

The cheapest way to have a flowery meadow.
Additionally, we will also save a lot of time and money, as we won’t have to prepare the soil for planting the meadow. We will also save on buying seeds and watering the area later.
If we want to achieve greater visual diversity and introduce other species of flowers to the existing design, let’s choose native species.
In this way, we can not only preserve the best plant biodiversity in our garden but also support the protection of wild pollinator populations.